Content marketing is hot. In recent research conducted by the Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs, 77% of B2C marketers surveyed said that their organization uses content marketing.
Content marketing is hard. Only 37% of those surveyed believe that their organization is being effective at content marketing. Why aren’t more organizations being effective? There are many reasons. Among them are:
Developing content is not easy. 50% of the respondents said they are challenged with producing engaging content.
Getting content in front of the right people is difficult. Making sure content is being seen by an interested audience is tough, particularly since many of those “followers” and “likes” you earned are no longer seeing what you publish. Then, add the fact that you probably want to target multiple audiences (B2C companies target an average of four audiences, according to the previously referenced research) and all of this is enough to get your head to spin.
At Keywee, we want to stop content marketers’ heads from spinning. We feel that there should be a new approach to content marketing. An approach that is less, “develop the content and they will come,” and more, “know thy audience and develop what they want.” We believe the time is right for a more audience-driven approach to content marketing that is fueled by data.
We are excited to be launching our blog. In this blog, we will expand on our new approach to content marketing. In addition, we will cover: market and technology trends and developments; best practices that will help content marketers more effectively achieve their business goals; and product news of our own. We look forward to sharing with you our “words of wisdom” and in return, we would appreciate your feedback in the comments section of each post. Thank you.